UTAH - Kit Keeper
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You made it to the Utah State Library kit reservation page!

But how does any of this work? There are two ways to search for a kit : searching by kit name or searching by availability date.


Search by kit   

Next to the Reserve icon, choose the kit title you would like from the dropdown menu and click GO. 

You will get a list of dates when this title is available. Select the date you would like and click Reserve this Kit.


Search by Availability Date

Next to the Dates icon choose the month when you would like a kit from the drop down menu and click GO.

You will get a calendar that displays all dates with at least one kit available. Click on a particular day to see which kit is available on the pane on the right side of the screen.



I'm there, now what?

Once you find the kit you want to reserve, click the Reserve link.

Follow the instructions on the screen and enter in your information (contact, library, etc…)

You will receive an an email when your kit is ready to be delivered.


Shipping. What's this going to cost?

Don't even worry about it, we got you covered! Kits are delivered via FedEx and contain a pre-paid return label. When it's time to go back, run through the supply checklist and re-pack the kit. Secure the container for shipment with zip ties and tape. Attach the return label to the top of the container, and call FedEx to arrange a pickup. You're done!


If you have other questions, or none of this is helping, please email : vsmith@utah.gov